
What is Northumberland Homefinder?

Northumberland Homefinder is Northumberland County Council's housing allocations service.  The system used for allocating properties is known as Choice Based Lettings.  Who are the partner organisations in Northumberland Homefinder?

Northumberland County Council works in partnership with other  local housing providers to deliver Northumberland Homefinder.  Those partners manage housing stock and allocations throughout Northumberland and are integral to the Northumberland Homefinder service.

Scheme Objectives

Northumberland Homefinder aims to provide an open, fair and transparent housing allocations service, giving you a single  point of access for those in need of housing in Northumberland.

In addition, Northumberland Homefinder enables the council to meet the following objectives:

  • Supporting delivery of sustainable communities

  • Promote social and financial inclusion

  • Ensuring more effective and efficient use of housing stock across Northumberland

  • Providing accurate housing need information to inform future strategies

  • Meeting legal requirements for the allocation of social housing

  • Preventing Homelessness by providing increased housing options

  • Promoting equality and diversity.