Frequently asked questions

Use this section of the website to find out the answers to common questions.  If you have a question that is not answered here, please contact us at the numbers provided.


When I submit my application, will I need to provide any other documents?

We may ask you to provide extra information so that we can verify your eligibility and assess your application.  This could include:  

  • Proof of identity for all household members

  • Proof of current address

  • Evidence of your right to reside in the UK if you are not a British Citizen

  • Proof of pregnancy

  • References from your existing or previous landlord

We will tell you what documents to provide and when to provide them.  All documents provided must be originals, up to date and valid.


What happens if I do not provide the required documents?

Providing you are eligible to join the register and your form has been properly completed, we can accept your application BUT may not be able to assess it properly. This could result in you not been awarded the priority you need.  


Can you refuse to accept me onto the Housing Register?

There are some people who are not eligible to be included on the Housing Register. To find out more about this read the Common Allocation Policy


Do I need to renew my application each year?

Yes, once a year, you will receive a reminder to renew your application. Once you receive your reminder  you must contact us within 28 days. If you fail to contact us we will cancel your application.



How long will I stay in the same band?

You may normally only remain in Band P for 3 months, however if you are in band P and we agree that you are homeless, you will only have 28 days to bid for a home.  After this your application will be reviewed to decide whether it continues to warrant such a high level of priority.  If you are in Bands 1, 2, 2R or 3 you will remain in that band unless your circumstances change and your application is awarded a different level of priority.


What if my circumstances change?

It is very important that you tell us of any changes in your circumstances so that we can amend your application. We will tell you if this results in your application moving to a different band. If you move into a higher band the effective date will be the date of the increased band is awarded.


What if someone in my household has a medical condition?

If someone in your household has a medical condition you will be asked to complete a Medical Assessment form.  We may ask for supporting documents from the professionals who are involved in your care such as  GP or Consultant .  Your application will then be assessed based on this medical information and you will be advised if your priority has changed.


What if you disagree with a decision we have made?

If you disagree with any of the following decisions you can contact us :

  • You are not eligible to join the housing register

  • You are not eligible for an offer

  • Your application has been cancelled other than at your own request

  • You think that you have been placed in the wrong band or given the wrong priority date.

To request a review you must contact your the Homefinder team within 21 days of the date you are notified of the decision.  You may provide additional information in writing that you wish to be taken into account when the review is carried out. You will normally be advised of the outcome of the review within 8 weeks. You may not request a further review.


What if I become homeless?

Households who are homeless or threatened with homelessness will be dealt with outside the scheme. You should contact the Council’s Housing Options & Homelessness team on 0345 600 6400 for further advice.


How often are properties advertised?

Properties available for rent are advertised weekly .


What if I am having difficulty in finding out about the properties that you have available?                                                                                            

Contact Us



Can I bid for properties in any area of Northumberland?                                                                                                                          

Yes.  As long as you meet the eligibility criteria, you can bid for any of the advertised properties, regardless of their location.  Some properties may be subject to certain conditions, such as disabled adapted properties or properties in rural areas.  If this is the case, we will clearly state the conditions in the advert.


How long will I have to bid for a property?

Bids can only be placed during the advertising cycle i.e. between 00.00 on Thursday and 23.59 the following Monday.


Will I know how many other people are interested in the same property?

Yes, when you bid for a property you will be able to see where you are in the queue.  This is likely to change frequently due to other people bidding for the same property.   


Can I withdraw my bid once it has been accepted?                                                                                                                        

Yes, you can withdraw your bid at any time before bidding closes.



How do you decide who is offered a property?

Once the closing date for bids has passed a shortlist of interested applicants is drawn up. The shortlist is in order of eligibility according to the criteria stated in the advert details for that property, the priority band and housing register registration date of the applicant.  The applicant at the top of the list will normally be offered the property.


If my bid is successful, can the landlord refuse to let it to me?

You may not be invited to view the property if certain circumstances apply. The landlord will explain these to you.


If I am offered a property, will I be able to view it before making up my mind?

Yes. You will be given an opportunity to view the property and decide whether you would like to accept it.


What if I don’t like the property when I have seen it?

You can refuse a property you have been offered. However, applicants who refuse 3 of more reasonable offers will have their application reviewed. For more information on unreasonable refusals read the Common Allocation Policy